One of the benefits of the internet is that you can make money online quickly. Since you will earn your money in just a short time, it can be said that you’re not expected to spend that much time on it. To a certain extent, you don’t have to exert that much effort, either. Having said that, you must also take note that the money you’ll earn is not something that will make you a millionaire. Think of it as extra income to support your other means of livelihood. You can certainly make money fast through a number of online jobs and income-generating activities. The money you’ll get may not make you an instant millionaire, but you will not be working for peanuts either. If you have the appropriate skills, motivation, and enough time to spend on them, you will certainly earn more than enough to be able to afford certain luxuries. One of the quickest ways, and depending on your skill, one of the better-paying online jobs is to be a freelance writer. Some writers get paid by the number of articles they can write, which means the moment they are able to complete their writing assignment, they’ll get paid immediately. Some writers are paid weekly, bi-monthly, and monthly.